If you’re among those who have no idea how to generate a paycheck or what type of information should be readily available on a pay stub, you need to know the key components of pay-stubs and why it’s important to get them right.
A pay stub is a piece of paper that is given to an employee with each paycheck and that displays the amount of money that the employee earned and the sum that was removed for taxes, insurance costs, etc. In another word the purpose of paystub is for the employee to have an accurate record of exactly what was paid to them; it is a proof of income services. If you need to figure taxes that are due or withholding amounts that have already taken place, it is that piece of paper that you will have an exact record.
Online Pay Stubs are the simplest and most handy existing accounting tool you can use to calculate accurate record of exactly what was paid to them. They are the most faster and accurate than Humans. That’s why most people became habitual in using online pay stub generator and it never crossed their mind that there is more to paystubs than just simple calculation.